5 Critical Factors for YouTube SEO

Not only Google but also YouTube is a search engine. Just as you need to meet specific factors to rank on Google, the logic works the same way on YouTube.

In a general sense, the matter isn’t just about uploading a video to YouTube. It’s about the video’s duration, what the title or description means, the use of keywords, and whether these keywords are used correctly.

Just as when entering content into Google, you need to pay attention to the quality and length of your content on YouTube to position yourself at the top.

First and foremost, you need to conduct proper keyword research.

1. Keyword Research

YouTube provides more effective, accurate, and real keyword matching compared to Google. That’s why one of the most significant factors is conducting proper keyword research and using it correctly. Therefore, keyword research should be conducted for each video, and the video title and description should be created accordingly.

2. Video Duration

If you want to succeed on YouTube, you need to pay attention to the length of your videos. Videos that are both high-quality and not unnecessarily long will be more efficient for viewers, allowing you to get more views and meet YouTube’s requirements (monetization requirements). Typically, video durations are set to be at least 10 minutes.

3. Title Selection

When uploading a video to YouTube, you should pay attention to using keywords in the title, as we discussed above. One of the most critical points in YouTube SEO is selecting a fully matched title. Your title must match your content, and the success rate is high when you choose Long Tail Keywords.

You can also benefit from the autocomplete feature when selecting a YouTube video title.

4. Using Hashtags

In 2019, YouTube introduced an update that allows you to add hashtags to the title of your videos. This can make it easier to clarify the purpose and content of your video using hashtags and potentially help you rank higher.

5. Video Description

The video description, which is said to average around 150-200 words (depending on the space occupied by the used characters in pixels), plays a crucial role in helping your content rank higher on YouTube. When you enhance it with a quality keyword research, you demonstrate that your YouTube channel can produce high-quality content right from the start.

You can also take advantage of YouTube’s autocomplete feature when writing your description.

